Playing and Becoming in Psychoanalysis

Organization: Toronto Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis
CME Accreditation: Group Learning Activity, Section 1

TICP Presents: Dr. Steven Cooper, Ph.D.

Playing and Becoming in Psychoanalysis

Saturday, March 6, 2021

A Virtual Zoom Conference Event

10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Morning Session:

The Limit of Intimacy and the Intimacy of Limit:

The Emergence of Play in Relation to the Analyst and to Internal Objects.

The refractoriness of the bad object (Fairbairn, 1943;1958) has remained a durable clinical problem and to some extent under-theorized among psychoanalysts. Through an extended clinical example, this paper examines how the experience of limit is part of an undercurrent within the object relation between patient and analyst, that, in turn, sometimes gives rise to a shift in the patient’s relationship to an unsatisfying internal object relation.

Afternoon Session:

The Play of Mourning

In the density of psychic regression and progression, psychoanalytic play is able to help patients move toward grieving internal objects. Play occurs at a moment of dawning awareness of transference-countertransference enactment within both patient and analyst. Often these moments especially involve the analyst’s new awareness of his or her own resistance to understanding transference-countertransference enactments. Through a series of brief clinical vignettes and analysis of a poem by Elizabeth Bishop, the author examines how patient and analyst become better able to acquire an “internal environment” (Winnicott, 1954), one in which they try to face the profound disappointment of grieving these objects.

Learning Objectives:

1.To broaden the participant's thinking about how the concept of limit related to elements of play in the analytic situation;

2.To help develop the participant's ability to consider play in the context of transference-countertransference engagement;

3.To facilitate the participant's ability to conceptualize how play facilitates the mourning process in psychoanalytic process.


Earlybird Registration Deadline is February 19, 2021

TSCP Member: $100 / $115

Regular: $125 / $140

Student: $75 / $90

REGISTER ONLINE AT or call 416.288.8060

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