Ontario Psychiatrists and COVID Crisis

Organization: OPA
CME Accreditation: No

Dear Members,

Despite the global crisis we find ourselves in, small great things are happening everywhere. We psychiatrists know the impact of acute and chronic stress too well. In the midst of all of this, I am reaching out to you to let you know that you are not alone. We are in this together. We will get through this together. 

We are working with the OMA Section to coordinate supports for Ontario Psychiatrists at this time. Please ensure that your email preferences allow you to receive regular updates from the OMA Section on Psychiatry so that you do not miss anything. Through this avenue, leaders at the OMA Section will be updating us on rules related to telemedicine, billing, and other practice related issues. 

In the meantime I am working to set up a tele town hall for Ontario Psychiatrists open for anyone to join who wishes to do so. We will utilize this time to share advice, support, and guidance for one another while building a sense of community at this difficult time.

More information on this event is below:

Tele-Town Hall for Ontario Psychiatrists

This open forum will be for psychiatrists across Ontario to discuss issues of mutual concern, collectively support one another, and create a forum for social connection. Medicolegal questions will generally be out of scope and should be redirected to the CMPA. Billing and practice questions may or may not be in scope based on what information will be available from the OMA at the time of the event.

To preserve bandwidth and keep things running smoothly, please ensure you are on mute. If you have a question please send it in advance to javeedsukhera@gmail.com or use the chat function. 

Topic: Ontario Psychiatrists and COVID Crisis
Time: March 24, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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