OPA Past Presidents 

1920 Dr. Edward Ryan Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Kingston
1921 Dr. J.M. Forster Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Whitby
1922-26 Dr. William W. English Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Hamilton
1927 Dr. W.J. Robinson Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, London
1928 Dr. Edward Ryan Director, Medical Services, Ontario Hospitals
1929 Dr. F.S. Vrooman Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Mimico
1930 Dr. Harvey Clare Former Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Toronto
1931 Dr. J.J. Williams Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Hamilton
1932 Dr. B.T. McGhie Department of Health, Ontario
1933 Dr. W.C. Herriman Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Cobourg
1934 Dr. Thomas D. Cumberland Ontario Hospital, Kingston
1935 Dr. George C. Kidd Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Cobourg
1936 Dr. George H. Stevenson Ontario Hospital, Whitby and Ontario Hospital, London
1937-38 Dr. J.P.S. Cathcart Ottawa
1939 Dr. D.R. Fletcher Ontario Hospital, Whitby
1940-45 Dr. C.S. Tennant Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Brockville
1946 Dr. Alexander McCausland Ontario Hospital, London
1947 Dr. R.C. Montgomery Director, Hospitals Division, Department of Health, Toronto
1948 Dr. F.H. Baugh The Homewood Sanitarium, Guelph
1949 Dr. William Baillie Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto
1950 Dr. John N. Senn Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Hamilton
1951 Dr. Arthur M. Doyle St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto
1952 Dr. S.R. Montgomery Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Toronto
1953 Dr. George E. Hobbs Chair, Dept. Psychiatry, University of Western Ontario
1954 Dr. Charles A. Cleland Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, St. Thomas
1955 Dr. Aldwyn B. Stokes Toronto Psychiatric Hospital, Chair, Dept. Psychiatry, University of Toronto
1956-57 Dr. D.O. Lynch Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Whitby
1958 Dr. F.H. Van Nostrand Toronto
1959 Dr. A.I. MacKinnon Superintendent, The Homewood Sanitarium, Guelph
1960 Dr. C.H. McCuaig Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Kingston
1961 Dr. Kenneth G. Gray Toronto Psychiatric Hospital
1962 Dr. Harold F. Frank Superintendent, Ontario Hospital School, Smiths Falls
1963 Dr. Abraham Miller Ontario Hospital, Toronto
1964 Dr. John D. Atcheson Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Thistletown
1965 Dr. Angus M. Hood Children’s Mental Health Service, Toronto (C.M. Hincks Institute)
1966 Dr. F.C. Rhodes Chalke Dept. Psychiatry, University of Ottawa
1967 Dr. G.S. Burton Superintendent, The Homewood Sanitarium, Guelph
1968 Dr. Paul Christie Superintendent, Ontario Hospital, Toronto, (Queen Street M.H.C.)
1969 Dr. John S. Pratten Superintendent, Kingston Psychiatric Hospital
1970 Dr. Grant C. Beacock Hamilton General Hospital
1971 Dr. Stanley E. Greben Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto
1972 Dr. Douglas M. Wickware Medical Director, London Psychiatric Hospital
1973 Dr. Barry A. Boyd Mental Health Centre, Penetanguishine
1974 Dr. Gary Cormack Brampton (Former Director, Mental Hospitals Branch, Dept. Health)
1975 Dr. R. Edward Turner Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto
1976 Dr. John K. Clayton Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital
1977 Dr. Merville O. Vincent The Homewood Sanitarium, Guelph
1978 Dr. Ronald E. Stokes Bracebridge
1979 Dr. Quenton Rae-Grant University of Toronto
1980 Dr. Paul C.S. Hoaken Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston
1981 Dr. Donald E. Zarfas Children’s Psychiatric Research Institute, London
1982 Dr. Ruth E. Kajander Thunder Bay
1983 Dr. Brian J. McConnville Queen’s University, Kingston
1984 Dr. Arthur L. Lesser St. Joseph’s Hospital, Hamilton
1985 Dr. R. Ian Hector Toronto Wellesley Hospital, University of Toronto
1986 Dr. Jean-Yves Gosselin Ottawa General Hospital, University of Ottawa
1987 Dr. Edward M. Waring Victoria Hospital, London
1988 Dr. John Alexander Watt The Homewood Sanitarium, Guelph
1989 Dr. John S. Leverette Kingston General Hospital, Queen’s University
1990 Dr. Pierre A. Beausejour Royal Ottawa Hospital, University of Ottawa
1991 Dr. John C. Deadman Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital, McMaster University, Hamilton
1992 Dr. Samuel A. Malcolmson Queen Street Mental Health Centre, Toronto
1993 Dr. Reid Finlayson Ottawa Civic Hospital and Homewood Sanitarium, Guelph
1994 Dr. Joan E. H. Bishop London Psychiatric Hospital
1995 Dr. Edward J. Rzadki Etobicoke General Hospital
1996 Dr. Lucien L. Faucher Montfort Hospital, Ottawa
1997 Dr. Paul S. Links University of Toronto and Toronto Hospital
1998 Dr. Lois Hutchison Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital, Thunder Bay
1999 Dr. Alan B. Eppel Community Mental Health Clinic, Guelph, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Hamilton
2000 Dr. D. Blake Woodside Toronto Hospital
2001 Dr. Keith H. Anderson Ottawa Civic Hospital, University of Ottawa
2002 Dr. Margaret M. Steele London Health Sciences Centre
2003 Dr. Robert A. Buckingham University Health Network, Toronto
2004 Dr. Douglas F. Wilkins Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus
2005 Dr. Mamta Gautam University of Ottawa
2006 Dr. Susan E. Abbey University Health Network, Toronto
2007 Dr. Richard L. O’Reilly University of Western Ontario, London
2008 Dr. K. Sonu Gaind University Health Network, Toronto
2009 Dr. Paul Mulzer Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
2010 Dr. Doron Almagor University Health Network, Toronto
2011 Dr. Alison Freeland Royal Ottawa Health Care Group, University of Ottawa
2012 Dr. Sarah Jarmain Western University, St. Joseph’s Healthcare, London
2013 Dr. Alina Marin Queen’s University, Kingston
2014 Dr. Gary Chaimowitz  
2015-16 Dr. Diana Kljenak  Toronto Western Hospital; University of Toronto, Toronto
2017 Dr. Desi Brownstone London
2018 Dr. Mathieu Dufour Royal Ottawa Health Care Group, University of Ottawa, Ottawa
2019 Dr. Javeed Sukhera

London Health Sciences Centre, Western University, London

2020-22 Dr. Renata M. Villela Thornhill
2022-24 Dr. Angela Ho Toronto


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